General questions

  1. Why do I have to get a manufacturer's permission to use OPI on their device? A: TL;DR legal reasons. Usually devices are approved by regulatory bodies (eg FDA, CE) in a certain state (hardware and software). The OPI allows you to change this state, and so manufacturers must be careful that they are not allowing you to use the OPI under the impression that it is aproved by the regulatory bodies.

Octopus 900 questions

  1. Why does the OPI go funny when I put my chin on the wrong chinrest? A: Dunno.
  2. Is the reaction time measured from the stimulus onset or offset? A: Onset.
  3. When will kinetic perimetry be supported? A: Since 2016.
  4. What version of EyeSuite do I need for the OPIOctopus900 package to work? A: None, it is bundled.

Simulation questions

  1. Why isn't *insert favorite simulator* supported in the OPI package? Answer: Because you haven't written it and added it to the package on git.